Cauliflower cheesecake recipe with anchovy sauce – Italian Cuisine

Cauliflower cheesecake recipe with anchovy sauce


  • 400 g cauliflower florets
  • 200 g of robiola
  • 150 g creamy white cheese
  • 100 g rusks
  • 50 g fresh cream
  • 40 g butter plus a little
  • 20 g low-fat yogurt
  • 15 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • anchovy sauce
  • salt
  • pepper

Set aside some cauliflower florets to complete, boil the rest in unsalted boiling water for 6-8 '. Drain the florets and cut them into slices. Crumble the rusks and mix them with the butter to obtain crumbs. Line the bottom of a springform pan (ø 19 cm, h 8 cm) with parchment paper and grease the edges.

Distribute the butter mix on the bottom and partly on the edge, pressing so that it is compacted well. Mix the robiola with the cream cheese and flour; then add the yogurt, cream, eggs, salt and pepper: you will get a fairly liquid cream.

Spread a thin layer of cream into the mold then add the slices of cauliflower, cover with the rest of the cream cheese and bake at 180 ° C for 35-40 '. Remove from the oven, leave to cool, turn out of the mold, complete with the raw florets kept aside, cut into slices and with a few drops of anchovy sauce. Then serve in slices.


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