Braised meat in red wine, a delicious Christmas tradition to be enjoyed with elegance – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Braised meat in red wine, a delicious Christmas tradition to be enjoyed with elegance


The braised in red wine represents a delicious second course which embodies the elegance and refinement of culinary tradition. Originating from the cuisine of the Bel Paese, this dish has deep roots in the northern regions, where the use of wine as a key ingredient has always played a significant role in the preparation of distinctive dishes. The term “braised” derives from cooking technique used, called “brazing”, which happens slowly, over low heat, inside an aromatic liquid. To prepare this regional recipewe use the high quality beefvegetables and herbs (onion, carrot and celery).

In this way, the food acquires previously marinated and subsequently cooked in red wine, together with a soft and succulent texture. The history of wine braising dates back to ancient times, when the need to preserve meat during the winter months led to the discovery of cooking methods that guaranteed tenderness and flavor even to less valuable cuts. Over time, this technique has evolved into a true culinary art, with regional variations developing in different parts of the world. Its presence on the table adds a note of luxury, helping to make the meal an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Follow our recipe today and brighten your banquets with this tasty braised meat in red wine. You will leave your guests speechless!


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