Blond or not, Italian women love beer! – Italian Cuisine



70% of Italian women drink beer, and for many of them consumption is increasing – they like more and more artisans, among other things. Without taking anything away from the wine, the local pride that now is also drunk with pizza – once combined by default beer, the latter meets the taste and intrigues most of the ladies and gentlemen tricolori.

171571The has revealed it search "The Italians and beer", commissioned by AssoBirra and launched on the occasion of the Women's Day, 8 March. Which usually becomes moment of "girls" sharing: and it is precisely the sharing factor – "it is a drink that unites" – one of the most cited reasons in explaining the choice of this alcoholic (37% of the interviewees). Other reasons are the possibility of combining with food (48%) – and over a third of the drinkers in this regard would like to know more – and then the tasteof course, which is the main reason (58%). Someone may choose it to rehydrate after a sports training, given that according to a scientific research a few years ago (which we are sure many medical experts would dispute), a beer after training is good …

171565In the last 5 years 4 Italian women out of 10 have increased their consumption of beer: if this is in line with the national trend – increase in beer consumption regardless of sex (+ 44.5%) – ladies have tastes that are attentive and very different from those of men. The "beer of the heart" of Italian women has a taste light (55% of female preferences versus 38% of male preferences), is only slightly alcoholic (80%) and – surprisingly – very sparkling (39%).

As we mentioned, curiosity and incentives to learn more are not lacking: according to the research, the Italians would be of the true explorers of beer, always looking for news and information. How to get to know the world of beer? Almost half (47%) rely on friends to choose products, taste new tastes and know the news, even if the advice of the barman rather than the waiter, the explanations in the menus or in the cards of the beers are also very important.

171562Despite this, more than half of women (51%) would like it in the future Learn a little more. It's not over: an incredible 30% of the interviewees say they want to know a lot more, acquiring one "expert" level of knowledge. So much so that women seek information on beer even on specialized sites or online articles.

In fact, the term "explorers" may not be an exaggeration, in light of the data according to which as many as 61% indicate between drivers of choice the fact of wanting to try a beer if it's one news on the market. Furthermore 44% when choosing a beer in a local love discover new beers, different from those he knows.

171568In short, the novelty definitely attracts. More than the combination with food: 29% like to try Italian beers: 42% of women would like it anyway that in pubs (restaurants, pizzerias …) there were more attention to offer beer that is well associated ordered food (for now only 29% choose beer also based on food, perhaps because there is not much knowledge on the subject yet – and in fact 37% would like to know more).

All data lead to suppose that the next March 8th not they will get up only many glasses, but also many, many mugs …

Aurora Quinto
March 2019



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