Barley recipe with goat butter and verbena and lemon balm jelly – Italian Cuisine

Barley recipe with goat butter and verbena and lemon balm jelly


  • 150 g pearl barley
  • 500 g vegetable stock
  • 50 g goat butter
  • 25 g cow butter
  • 50 g grated Parmesan cheese
  • 10 g mountain clover
  • 4 g thyme
  • lemon
  • 2 g of mountain pepper leaves
  • 10 g lemon balm
  • 5 g mint
  • salt
  • 300 g water
  • nine sachets Melissa Pompadour
  • seven sachets of Verbena Pompadour
  • 4 g agar agar
  • three sheets of gelatin soaked in cold water
  • 2 g lemon balm cut into julienne strips
  • 2 g of verbena julienne

For the recipe of the orzotto with goat butter and verbena and lemon balm jelly, in a pan, toast the barley, pour the hot vegetable stock and let it evaporate over low heat for about 17 minutes. , goat butter and Parmesan cheese. Season with salt and add the coarsely chopped herbs.

Lemon Verbena: Blanch the contents of the lemon balm and Verbena sachets, drain and cool them in water and ice, keeping the cooking liquid. Blend it adding the cooking liquid, now cold too. Filter the smoothie and add the agar agar. Then bring the liquid to a boil making it thicken, then remove from the heat and add the soaked gelatine. Pour into 4 circular molds with a diameter of 5 cm, until it reaches a thickness of about 3 mm. Leave to gel in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Pour a ladle of barley on the plates, without spreading it. Add the lemon balm and verbena julienne and cover with the gelatin disc. Decorate as desired with fresh edible herbs and flowers and leafed clover twigs.


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