Arugula Meatballs – Recipe Arugula Meatballs – Italian Cuisine

»Arugula Meatballs - Recipe Misya Arugula Meatballs


Soak the bread in hot water, then squeeze and crumble it.
Wash the rocket well and cut it.

Add the rocket, the chopped cheese, finely chopped garlic, salt and olive oil to the bowl and mix everything.

With moistened hands, form the meatballs (about 20 came out of it).
Pass them in the breadcrumbs, then cook them in a pan with already hot oil, turning them to brown them evenly (alternatively, cook them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, after having sprinkled them with a little oil, for about 20 minutes at 200 °, fan oven) already hot).
Once ready, lift them with a slotted spoon and let them dry on kitchen paper.

The arugula meatballs are ready, serve them warm or lukewarm.


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