Why She Cooks and Why She Films

I wanted to share this video by my pal, and super-talented
video storyteller, Liza de Guia, featuring another dear friend, Jennifer
Perillo, from In Jennie’s Kitchen. If you’re a regular on this blog, you know
I’ve shared many of Liza’s gorgeous, entertaining videos before, and this one
is no different. This video is part of Food Curated’s Why We Cook series, and
it shows exactly why I’m such a big fan of both these talented women’s work.

I’ll let the video speak for itself, but I couldn’t agree
more with Jennie’s thoughts on fear in the kitchen. By the way, Jennifer has
recently published her first cookbook, Homemade with Love, and it’s getting
rave reviews. I’ve not read it yet, but will be doing so very soon. If you’re
interested in taking a look, you can check it out here. Special thanks to Liza
for letting us share her work, and also to Jennie for being a continuing source
of inspiration. I hope you enjoy this, and find it as moving as I did.

This recipe has already been read 571 times!

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