What to make for a bake sale: Cheap cakes and how much to sell them for

If you’re planning on having a bake sale to raise some money for charity or your kids’ school is hosting one and you’d like to bake something for it then you’ve come to the right place.

We’re here to help you make the most out of your bake sale – from cheap ingredients to making a profit, we’re here to share our wise wisdom when it comes to bake sales so you really can make the most out of it and double your money on each of your bakes – after all it is about making a profit!

We’ve got plenty of delicious recipes to choose from and not only have we told you why they’re a great choice for bake sales, we’ve also narrowed down how much it will cost you to make them and how much you should sell them for. We worked out how to double your money when selling the cakes but don’t be afraid to charge even more than we’ve suggested if you think your cakes are worth it.

Click through our gallery to choose what to make for a bake sale…

All of the prices are based on Tesco/Asda price range and are correct at time of writing (June 2013).

This recipe has already been read 567 times!

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