Tomato, Spinach, and Dill Quiche with a Shredded Potato Crust

Tomato, Spinach, and Dill Quiche with a Shredded Potato Crust

by Pam on July 21, 2013

I came down with some sort of sickness on Friday night and I’ve been feeling terrible ever since. I’ve had no energy to cook so I have no new recipe for you today. Instead, I am posting a favorite recipe from the archives. I hope to be back to cooking tomorrow.

Originally posted June 14, 2010:

I’ve been wanting to try my potato crust quiche using shredded potatoes instead of sliced potatoes for a while now. I made this quiche for dinner and used diced tomato, fresh spinach, dill, red onion, and feta cheese. The dill really made this dish pop with flavor and I liked the saltiness the feta cheese gave to the quiche. It was a healthy and flavorful dinner that my husband and I loved. This quiche is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and is very easy to make.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Coat a pie dish with cooking spray. Peel then shred the two potatoes onto 2 paper towels; add another two paper towels to the top and press all the liquid out of the potatoes. Smash the shredded potatoes all over the bottom and sides of the pie pan, making sure to press them firmly. Spray with cooking spray and season with sea salt, freshly cracked pepper, and garlic powder, to taste. Bake in the oven for 12-13 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside.

Sprinkle the diced tomato, spinach, red onion, and half of the feta cheese on top of the potatoes Beat the eggs with the milk and season with dill, sea salt, and freshly cracked pepper. Pour the egg mixture on top of the veggies then top with the remaining feta cheese.

Place into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until a tester inserted in the center of the quiche comes out clean – don’t overcook. Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Enjoy.



Tomato, Spinach, and Dill Quiche with a Shredded Potato Crust

Yield: 8

Prep Time: 10 min.

Cook Time: 35-40 Min.

Total Time: 45-50 Min.


1 1/2 – 2 russet potatoes, peeled and grated
Olive oil or olive oil cooking spray
1-2 tbsp red onion, diced finely
1/2 cup of fresh spinach, diced
1 tomato, diced
1/4 cup of feta cheese (I used reduced fat)
7-8 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup of milk
1-2 tsp dried dill
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Coat a pie dish with cooking spray. Peel then shred the two potatoes onto 2 paper towels; add another two paper towels to the top and press all the liquid out of the potatoes. Smash the shredded potatoes all over the bottom and sides of the pie pan, making sure to press them firmly. Spray with cooking spray and season with sea salt, freshly cracked pepper, and garlic powder, to taste. Bake in the oven for 12-13 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside.

Sprinkle the diced tomato, spinach, red onion, and half of the feta cheese on top of the potatoes Beat the eggs with the milk and season with dill, sea salt, and freshly cracked pepper. Pour the egg mixture on top of the veggies then top with the remaining feta cheese.

Place into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until a tester inserted in the center of the quiche comes out clean – don’t overcook. Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of


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