Rosemary Honey “Pull Apart” Dinner Rolls – Because You Love Them…Right?

Entertaining during the holidays usually means plenty of
costly, complicated, and time-consuming recipes, so absolutely no one would blame you if
you simply tossed a tube of store-bought dinner rolls into the oven to save a
little time and effort.

Of course the problem with that, at least for loyal
followers of this blog, is that some or all of your family members will have
seen this video by then, and you may get a few looks. Not that they would never
question your undying love and devotion to their happiness, but hey, why take a chance?

Assuming that you have an electric mixer, besides a few
minutes of cutting and balling the dough, these really aren’t that much work to
make. If you don’t, and would have to knead this by hand, then let your
conscience be your guide. I think I speak for your entire family when I say, we
know you’ll do the right thing.

Anyway, as far as holiday dinner rolls go, these are pretty
lean. You can certainly up the melted butter amount, and toss in a egg or two,
but since these are generally going to be eaten with fairly rich food, I prefer a lighter approach.

Please feel free to embellish with anything else you’d like
to toss in. I’ll toss out garlic, herbs, cheese, seeds, and nuts just to start
the brainstorming session. I hope you come up with something amazing, and give
these a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 32-36 small dinner rolls:
1 packet (2 1/4 teaspoon) dry active yeast
1/4 cup warm water (100-110 degrees F.)
1 cup milk
4 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 or 2 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon salt
2 tsp minced fresh rosemary leaves
about 3 cups unbleached all-purpose white flour, plus more
if needed (NOTE: add about 2 1/2 cups of flour at the beginning of the mixing,
and then add more in smaller increments until the dough just starts to pull
away from the bowl. Remember, you can always add more, but can’t remove too
much! Better a little too sticky than too stiff and dry.)

2 tbsp olive oil (to oil the dough)
egg wash (one egg beaten with a teaspoon of milk)
coarse sea salt

This recipe has already been read 847 times!

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