I Married for Love, Not Cookies

I get a lot of cookie requests this time of year, and while
I’m not a fanatical cookie lover myself, I have posted videos for a fair number
of them. In fact, I have a new and exciting Christmas cookie post coming later
this week. In the meantime, I thought I’d repost this great recipe from three
years ago, featuring my favorite, Michele’s famous Chili Chocolate Cookies.

As most of you know, Michele is my lovely and talented wife,
and as I joke about in the original post, this would still be my favorite
chocolate cookie, even if I weren’t legally bound by marriage to say so. I hope you enjoy
this very chocolately blast from the past, and stay tuned for what I
hope will have many of you yelling, “Whoopie!”
Click here to read the original post and to get the ingredients.

This recipe has already been read 852 times!

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