Tag: cookie

Cookie Advent Calendar – Italian Cuisine

»Cookie Advent Calendar


Combine sugar and honey in a saucepan and heat over low heat, so that they melt, but without coming to a boil.

Put the flour and baking soda in a bowl, add the egg first, then the slightly softened butter, then the mandarin with the spices and finally the mixture of honey and sugar.
Wrap the dough with cling film and let it rest in the fridge for at least 3 hours.

Take the dough, roll it out on a lightly floured surface with a thickness of about 3mm and first cut out a 13×20 cm rectangle and then some 3×3 cm squares. With the leftover pastry create cookies with the Christmas molds.

Brush with milk and cook at 180 ° C in a preheated convection oven: the rectangle for about 10-15 minutes …

… and the squares for 8 minutes, then let them cool down well.

Prepare the ice by mixing egg white and powdered sugar and decorate your biscuits as you like, numbering them from 1 to 24 and then attaching them to the rectangle with a little bit of ice (so that to eat each biscuit you will have to remove it from the rectangle), then let it dry .

The cookie Advent calendar is ready, you just have to enjoy it.


Chocolate chip cookie sandwich with ice cream – Italian Cuisine

Chocolate chip cookie sandwich with ice cream



Cookie crumbs: some ideas for not throwing them away – Italian Cuisine

Cookie crumbs: some ideas for not throwing them away


It often happens that many crumbs form in the packs of cookies that are promptly thrown away. But if this time you want to avoid wasting them, here's how

The cookie crumbs they can become the basis for delicious recipes of recycling? Absolutely yes. How many times has it happened to you to throw the packages some cookies with the bottom full of crumbs? A real waste objectively, especially if with all those crumbs you can create other desserts! Which? Here are some ideas!

How to make a cake with cookie crumbs

The easiest way to recycle the crumbsand biscuits is preparing a tasty cake, not very elaborate and perfect for Breakfast or the snack.


To prepare the cake of cookie crumbs you will need: 150 g of variegated biscuit crumbs, 100 g of flour 00, 50 g of sugar, 3 eggs, 100 ml of milk, baking powder, powdered sugar.


The preparation of the cake with crumbs of biscuits, as mentioned, is really very simple. The first thing to do is to finely chop all the crumbs collected, using a mixer or a kitchen blender. In a fairly large container, then, you must add the chopped crumbs eggs and sugar, mixing the mixture with a whisk. After mixed well add the milk, flour and yeast, continuing to mix until the mixture is lump-free and perfectly homogeneous.

After buttering one baking sheet the cake mix must be poured taking care to distribute it evenly e let it cook in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 45 minutes or until it is dry even inside. Once removed from the oven, the cake should be left to cool a bit before consuming it and then sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes, depending on your taste.

Cookie crumbs: creative recycling recipes

In addition to this simple recipe, biscuit crumbs can also become the perfect base for a tasty one cheesecake, can be added to cereals and muesli for breakfast in a cup with milk or yogurt, to decorate and give taste to meringues or to prepare a chocolate salami recycled and yummy.

Browse the gallery to discover other ideas for reusing cookie crumbs


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