Tag: original post

A Humbling Strawberry Rhubarb Reminder

I was checking Twitter mentions last week, and saw that a
viewer by the name of

nguyen4 had posted a strawberry rhubarb pie photo on
Instagram (left), and credited me for the recipe. At first, I thought they were
mistaken, as I didn’t recognize the pie as one of my creations, but then I
realized that was because they’d made it so much better looking than mine. I
hate/love when that happens. 

Anyway, once I got over this blow to my ego, I
decided to repost this in case you missed it the first time, or just needed a
little reminder as to what a fantastic spring pie this really is. Enjoy!

To read the original post and get the ingredient amounts,
click here.

Happy National Vichyssoise Day Eve

Warning: this is not vichyssoise.

I enjoy making fun of arbitrarily designated food holidays as much as the next food blogger, and like many, I use them as a convenient excuse to repost seasonally appropriate recipes, not really caring how the day came about, but National Vichyssoise Day is different.

Seriously, someone needs to find out how it came to be that we’re celebrating a chilled potato and leek soup in the middle of November. I took a quick look, and while there are countless references to the day, as usual, no info on its genesis. As a B-list YouTube celebrity, I’m far too busy to do any further research, but if any of you food detectives crack the case, please let me know.

Shockingly, I’ve not done a vichyssoise video yet, so you’ll have to settle for this incredibly comforting ham and potato soup. While not as seasonally inappropriate as Vichyssoise, it’s delicious nonetheless, and one of our most popular soup recipes ever. Enjoy!

Click here for the ingredients, and to read the original post.

Tabbouleh Sogomonian

Tabbouleh is another one
of those popular recipes for which I’ve received hundreds of food wishes for,
and yet inexplicably I’ve still not posted one. Why not? I have no idea. I’m as
mystified as anyone. In the meantime, I wanted to share this fine version from friend
of the blog
Robert Sogomonian (aka @psyrixx). You can check out his original post here. Enjoy!

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