BBQ pork sandwich

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  • 2kg boneless pork shoulder joint
  • 1tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1tbsp English mustard powder
  • 2tsp dried oregano
  • 2tsp sea salt
  • 2tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 150ml white wine vinegar
  • 150ml water
  • 4tbsp soft brown sugar
  • 200ml ready-made barbecue sauce
  • White rolls, to serve

That’s goodtoknow

Serve with a creamy homemade coleslaw made with shredded red cabbage, spring onions and carrots mixed with mayonnaise and a squeeze of lemon juice.


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/325°F/Fan 150°C/Gas mark 3. Place the pork shoulder in a large roasting tin. Mix together the paprika, mustard powder, oregano, salt and pepper and rub into the pork shoulder.
  2. Mix together the vinegar, water and sugar and pour the mixture around the pork. Cover the pork closely with greaseproof paper then cover tightly with foil.
  3. Roast in the oven for 3 hrs 30 mins then uncover the pork and baste with the pan juices. Roast, uncovered, for a further 1hr until the pork is very tender. Lift the pork from the roasting tin and place on a chopping board.
  4. Using 2 large forks ‘pull’ the tender pork flesh into small pieces and place in a bowl. Warm the barbecue sauce in a small pan then stir into the hot pulled pork to coat. Pile the pork into white rolls and serve immediately.

By Nichola Palmer

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