Tiramisù Global Marathon: the winners – Italian Cuisine


Great day internationally to celebrate our most loved spoon dessert in the world, which also helps the planet

Eight hours of live online, today 28 November from 11.00 to 19.00 (Italian time). They connected from all corners of the globe to take part in the Tiramisu Global Marathon 2022, the second "virtual" gathering of lovers of the most popular spoon dessert in the world: who as a simple spectator and who to bring their greetings, who to "share" a very personal recipe of the famous dessert and who to participate in the contest through the channels social media of the Tiramisù World Cup.

Hundreds took part in the second edition of the Tiramisù Global Marathon, the virtual appointment of the tastiest challenge of the year, organized by the TWC with the collaboration of Tiramisu Academy. We too did not miss the appeal with a contribution from our Director, Maddalena Fossati.

On this occasion, tiramisu was the virtual protagonist and kitchens from all over the world came together through the photo contest held on the TWC Instagram channel, inspired by the theme of sustainability and defense of our environment entitled "A Tiramisu for our planet ". Through watering photos, the contest was won by:

Alessandra Vendemiati of Venice, in first place with its “GreenMISÙ” (green sugars and dark chocolate);

Hellen Green (Elena Pepori) from Milan, in second place, with the “Love Planet” (tempered chocolate and cream);

Annalisa Pensabene of Belluno, in third place, with “A Rose for the Planet” (pistachios).

The three thus have full access to the selections of the Tiramisu World Cup 2022, next autumn in Treviso e they have also symbolically become shareholders of di Time for the Planet, the non-profit company that creates and finances companies that fight against climate change worldwide.

The "challenge" was also open to the little ones (up to 16 years of age) who in their category were equally able to try their hand at preparing Tiramisu. For the very young chefs, thanks to the renewed collaboration with Edizioni PIEMME and the Foundation Geronimo Stilton, the opportunity to read for free on the Tiramisù World Cup website the book “The cupcake contest” by Geronimo Stilton.

"We have had connections with international guests, from Brazil, Russia, Romania and France – commented the organizer, Francesco Redi -. The appointment has grown considerably compared to last year, thanks also to the great collaboration with the "Trevisani nel Mondo" who contacted our emigrants abroad, who do not fail to become standard-bearers of the very Italian dessert ".


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