The Stew – 's The Stew Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»The Stew - Misya's The Stew Recipe


First heat the oil and fry the chopped garlic, onion and ginger for about 5 minutes.

Add turmeric, chilli and chickpeas, salt and pepper, and cook, stirring, for about 10 minutes: they must start toasting and break.
Set aside 2 tablespoons a head (you will use them to garnish the dishes) and mash the rest with a fork, so as to give the stew creaminess.
Add broth and coconut milk, bring to a boil and then lightly simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes or until you reach the density you prefer.

Add the spinach and cook a couple of minutes more, then add salt and pepper again if necessary.

The stew is ready, serve, decorate with yogurt, chickpeas put aside and, if you want, a pinch of turmeric, and serve.


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