Tag: stew

seitan stew with olives – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

seitan stew with olives


Prepare with us a meatless but tasty and enveloping stew. Following the vegan recipe today, you will delight your guests with one seitan stew with olivesa quick and tasty dish, which mixes robust, lively and tasty flavours. Try it now!


Soy and pea stew – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Spezzatino soia e piselli


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mouth-watering venison stew and polenta – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

mouth-watering venison stew and polenta


In the heart of the cold winter evenings, one venison stew with polenta stands like a tasty second course and enveloping. There deer meatslowly stewed in a mix of aromas and spices, offers an intense and satisfying tasting experience. Accompanied by a soft polentacarefully cooked until it reaches a creamy consistency, this dish stands out for its balanced combination of flavors and the feeling of comfort it gives.


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