Tartlets with cream and chocolate and candied citron – Italian Cuisine

Tartlets with cream and chocolate and candied citron


Tartlets with cream and chocolate, preparation

1) Work briefly the shortcrust pastry with your hands and divide it into small portions. Roll out obtaining 6 discs of about 13 cm in diameter. Lined with the dough 6 individual molds, evened out the edges with a knife and pinch them with your fingers. Put the molds in the refrigerator.

2) Cut the diced pumpkin e cook them in the oven at 180 ° until they are tender enough to be mashed with a fork. Reduce them in a homogeneous puree, then incorporated sugar, egg and cinnamon. United the chopped chocolate and diced cedar.

3) Distribute the filling in the molds and bake the cakes in the oven at 180 ° for about 25 minutes. Serve them lukewarm with freshly melted chocolate. Alternatively, heat them up passing them for a couple of minutes in the oven just before serve them.


Posted on 05/11/2021



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