Tagliolini with chilli pepper and turnip greens – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tagliolini with chilli pepper and turnip greens


THE tagliolini with turnip greens and chili pepper they are a very simple dish to prepare, which allows us to use a truly extraordinary vegetable simply and very quickly. It is a recipe that comes from the Apulian tradition, it is prepared with few ingredients but with a unique and characteristic flavour, capable of conquering everyone. And if you like this recipe we can also recommend the very famous ones orecchiette with turnip tops.

How to make tagliolini with turnip tops and chilli pepper

To prepare delicious tagliolini with turnip tops and chilli pepper Let’s start by cleaning the turnips well and removing the stems, using only the leaves. We blanch them in boiling salted water, also add the tagliolini and once these are cooked we move everything into a pan with oil, garlic and chilli pepper, sauté for a minute and serve on the table. Here are the various steps in detail.


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