Tag: Tagliolini

Tagliolini with lemon | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tagliolini with lemon |  Yummy Recipes


THE Tagliolini Al Limone they are a fresh and tasty dish, typically summer, very easy to prepare. A dish rich in flavour, light enough: the best, in short. And if you also love lemon with pasta, you will certainly appreciate another not too dissimilar recipe: the saffron and lemon linguine.

How to make tagliolini with lemon

The wonderful ones Tagliolini Al Limone they are made by cutting the lemons into strips and then adding them to the butter melted in the pan and using the sauce obtained to season the pasta. When preparing the dish, the cream and flavorings should not be forgotten. Discover all the steps of the recipe.


Tagliolini all’amatriciana | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tagliolini all'amatriciana |  Yummy Recipes


Mix the flour with the eggs, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil. Knead the dough and let it rest for half an hour, wrapped in a cloth soaked in warm water and wrung out well. With a rolling pin, roll it out into two rather thin sheets, lightly flour them, fold them several times on themselves and, with a wide-bladed knife, cut them into tagliolini about 4 millimeters wide.


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