Suspended Panettone: the symbol of Christmas for those in need – Italian Cuisine

La Cucina Italiana


Just like the suspended coffee in Naples, now in Milan the Suspended Panettone it has become a nice habit of the Christmas period. A solidarity initiative that returns promptly this year too, until December 20ththanks to which we will be able to buy the festive leavened dessert to have it delivered to those in need in 14 pastry shops (and 24 points of sale in total) in the city, who in turn will donate another one.

This year the initiative born thanks toPanettone Sospeso Association – and has always been sponsored by the Municipality of Milan – becomes even more ambitious with four new entries: the Milanese brand of Iginio Massari Alta Pasticceria (in Piazza Diaz), the Pasticceria DaMa Milano (in Città Studi), Sant Ambroeus (in Corso Matteotti) and Taveggia (in via Uberto Visconti di Modrone).

The recipients of the «Suspended Panettone

So far the association has donated 7,000 panettone to Third Sector organizations and associations responding to a real need. «Panettone is not just the Christmas dessert par excellence, they explain Gloria Ceresa and Stefano Citterio, creators and founders of the Panettone Sospeso Association. «It has a symbolic value because represents sharing. We know that poverty is increasing, even in the middle classes, and this year many families and many single people will experience an even more difficult Christmas due to all the problems linked to the cost of living. We are aware that a panettone is not decisive, but it can be a small attention that can give a moment of serenity to those who experience difficult situations and serious marginalization.

Recipients of the 2023 campaign will be the Enzo Jannacci Hospitality House, which the association has supported since the first edition in 2019; the Social Custodians of the Municipality of Milan (active in all nine municipalities); the QuBì Network, which aims to combat child poverty in Milan, and other entities that collaborate with the Municipality of Milan to provide assistance to people living on the streets.

How to donate a suspended panettone

Just donate purchase a panettone in the pastry shops involved and leave it there, so that it can then be delivered to the recipients. For every panettone left “pending”, the pastry shops will add another, thus doubling the actual donation. Anyone who doesn’t live in Milan will be able to support the Association and leave their contribution “remotely” through a donation on the website the money collected will then be “transformed” into panettoni. A virtual gesture that will become real solidarity.

These are the pastry shops where you can donate the “suspended panettone”:

1. Baunilla (piazza Alvar Aalto, corso Garibaldi 55, via Broletto 55, Corso Italia, 11)
2. Cake l’Hub – I Dolci del Paradiso (via Luigi Mengoni 3)
3. Davide Longoni (via Gerolamo Tiraboschi 19, via Fratelli Bronzetti 2, via Tertulliano 68, Mercato del Suffragio – piazza Santa Maria del Suffragio, Mercato Centrale, Contrada Govinda via Valpetrosa 5)
4. Iginio Massari Alta Pasticceria Gallery (piazza Armando Diaz 4)
5. Gelsomina (via Carlo Tenca 5 and via Fiamma 2)
6. Giacomo Pasticceria (via Pasquale Sottocorno 5)
7. Marlà (Corso Lodi 15)
8. Massimo 1970 (via Giuseppe Ripamonti 5)
9. DaMa Pastry Shop Milan (Via Pinturicchio 9)
10. Polenghi Angelo (via Alfonso Lamarmora, 31)
11. San Gregorio (via San Gregorio 1)
12. Sant Ambroeus (corso Giacomo Matteotti 7)
13. Taveggia Gamberini (via Uberto Visconti di Modrone 2)
14. Vergani (corso di Porta Romana 51 and via Mercadante 17)

For info and donations:


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