Save the panettone: the anti-waste initiative – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Come back “Save the Panettone”: the idea of ​​Too Good To Go so that we don’t waste all the panettone, but also many other typical Christmas desserts and savory delicacies, left in supermarkets, and not only, which are still delicious. An initiative that works very well: last year there were “saved” over 3,800 “Surprise Bags”that is, the boxes that this year too we will be able to purchase in just a few clicks, bringing home lots of sweetness at very low prices.

How Save the Panettone works

It works like this: on app by Too Good to Go you search for “Save the Panettone” or simply “panettone”, and choose your favorite shop among the over 600 that have joined the initiative, including Carrefour Italia. At that point, as always done using the anti-waste app, yes book the Surprise bag and go to collect it. We tried, and with 3.99 euros we have just booked a bag in a nearby supermarket containing gourmet panettone, chocolates, pandoro. With 20.99 euros (instead of 63) we instead booked a “Suprise Bag” in a delicatessen with 36 sandwiches with whom we organized a last minute aperitif together.

The price, in fact, is tempting, especially considering the general increase in prices this year, with specialties such as pandoro and panettone increased by 9% and 10% respectively (source: Osservatorio Nazionale Federconsumatori). Not to mention that it’s nice to prolong the Christmas atmosphere with a small gesture that is good for the planet, and which teaches us to waste less.

The Too Good to Go initiative

«Through the return of the Save The Panettone campaign, we want this year too encourage more careful consumption and the adoption of good practices to combat food waste as much as possible, in a period of the year when this is particularly felt”, he comments Mirco Cerisola, Country Director Italy of Too Good To Go. «The initiative aims to help shopkeepers and consumers to recover all those food products related to Christmas, New Year and Epiphany that risk being thrown away, even if still in perfect condition.

Anti-waste recipes with panettone and pandoro

Another idea for enjoying Christmas delicacies out of time? Using them in the kitchen, for new recipes, a great passion. A recent survey carried out by Too Good To Go and YouGov revealed that, among the solutions adopted by Italians to avoid throwing away leftover food after the holidays, the use of anti-waste recipes is a widespread practice (43% ). For this reason we have proposed 15 recipes for recycling sweet and savory panettone, and many other new and very easy recipes (including panettone toasts). Other ideas? Here are two proposed by Too Good To Go:

The recipe for panettone cassatine


This recipe has already been read 87 times!

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