Sausage Roll – 's Sausage Roll Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Sausage Roll - Misya's Sausage Roll Recipe


Remove the casing from the sausage, crumble it and put it in a bowl with 1 egg, finely chopped garlic and parsley, breadcrumbs and salt and mix.

Open the puff pastry roll, place the sausage mixture in the center and close the pastry on the filling, sealing the edges well.

Cut into slices of about 2 fingers, place them on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper, a little apart, brush them with the egg beaten with a little egg and water and cook for about 20 minutes at 200 ° C in a ventilated oven. already hot.

The sausage rolls are ready, serve hot, lukewarm or even cold.


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