Sarde in savor Recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Sarde in savor Recipe - Italian Cuisine


  • 600 g 30 sardines
  • 400 g red onions
  • 60 g mixed dehydrated fruit (currants, apricots and raisins)
  • mixture of almonds, walnuts and pine nuts (5 tablespoons) or just pine nuts
  • red wine vinegar
  • peanut oil
  • 00 flour
  • salt

Clean the sardines by depriving them of the bone, head and scales. Stick each in a toothpick. Flour them and fry them in plenty of hot peanut oil.
Put soak the dehydrated fruit in water for about 1 hour.
Cleanse the onions, slice them and cook them in abundant red wine vinegar for about 10 minutes, then season with salt and pour them still hot on the freshly fried sardines. Add the dehydrated and squeezed fruit, the mixture of walnuts, almonds and pine nuts and cover with a film.
Leave rest the sardines dipped in the marinade in the fridge for at least a day. Serve them completing to taste with mint and parsley.


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