Recipe Sturgeon stew with cabbage – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Sturgeon stew with cabbage


  • 600 g sturgeon fillet, without skin or waste
  • 350 g cabbage
  • 150 g liquid cream
  • shallot
  • parsley
  • dry white wine
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

To prepare the sturgeon stew with cabbage, peel the cabbage and boil it in plenty of boiling salted water, drain it al dente, then cut the leaves into squares. Reduce the sturgeon filet into big dice, which you will cook for 3 minutes, over a moderate flame, with a little oil and a finger of wine. Then add the sliced ​​shallot, the cabbage squares, the cream, salt, pepper. Let it boil, cover it and cook for about 10 minutes. Complete with chopped parsley, transfer the stew into a serving dish and serve immediately hot.


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