Recipe Chard and Potatoes – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Chard and Potatoes - Italian Cuisine


  • 1 Kg chard
  • 500 g white potatoes
  • 10 g rosemary
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • White wine vinegar
  • chili pepper
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil

Wash good chard. Pass half of it in the centrifuge or in the extractor to obtain an extract.
Blanch the rest in abundant boiling water for 10 seconds, then immediately cool it in water and ice.
Peeled potatoes. Spin half of it to obtain an extract and filter it through a cloth.
Season the remaining potatoes with salt and oil and steam them whole for about 1 hour, then let them cool.
Fry lightly the rosemary in a large pan with a thin layer of oil; pour in the potato extract and let it reduce for a few minutes. Add the steamed potatoes and cut into slices, heat them well, "lacquering" them evenly with the extract.
Season chard extract with vinegar, salt and a pinch of chilli.
Jump in a pan the blanched chard with the clove of garlic, oil and chilli.
Distribute in the center of the plate the potatoes, cover with the chard and polish with its extract. Serve immediately, hot.


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