Pilaf rice, the basic recipe – Italian Cuisine

Pilaf rice, the basic recipe


Do you want an oriental touch? Here is the basic recipe for pilaf rice, the perfect setting for various tasty and delicious dishes

Today we talk about rice Pilaf. The term pilaf, or pilav, of Turkish origin but of Persian origin, means "boiled rice": it indicates a method of preparation common in the Middle East and usually refers to both rice and the seasoning required by the recipe. The main feature of this preparation is that the rice remains well shelled: an easier result to obtain with exotic rice (indica variety), such as Basmati or Thaibonnet: the grains are more glassy and release less starch, thus remaining detached one on the other. The pilaf, however, entered in the western tradition, can be prepared with any type of rice, even with our own ones (japonica variety). Depending on the quality chosen, cooking times and quantity of liquid vary minimally. Let's see together how to proceed for the basic recipe of pilaf rice.

Pilaf rice, the basic recipe

Ingredients for 6-12 people:
1 liter vegetable broth
500 g rice
half onion
cloves – bay leaf
extra virgin olive oil – butter

Stick 2-3 cloves in the peeled half onion; engrave it on one side with a small knife and insert a bay leaf into the cut.
Brown it in a saucepan with a tablespoon of oil and a small knob of butter.
Add the rice and cook it without toasting.
Wet it with the boiling vegetable broth, close the saucepan with the lid and bake at 180 ° C for 15-20 '.
Unmold the casserole, remove the onion and spread the rice to cool, shelling it: the grains will be well separated from each other.


Before adding the broth, you can blend the rice with a splash of white wine, to give it a little more flavor, especially if you intend to serve the rice as a first course. If, on the other hand, it is used as a side dish, it is preferable to avoid wine, for a more neutral result. For an even more delicate flavor, you can cook the rice with salted water. The indicated doses are sufficient for 6 first courses or 12 side dishes.

To know

Two times: Generally, pilaf rice, once baked, shelled and cooled, is used as a base for various preparations: it can be sautéed with vegetables and other ingredients, to prepare first courses. Or you can serve it as a side dish, after having browned it with a little oil or butter, even pressed into molds.

The doses: Normally, about 30-40 g per person is calculated if rice is used as a side dish; 70-80 g if it serves as the basis of a first course, depending on the type and quantity of complementary ingredients in the recipe.

Tricks: Choose a saucepan suitable for going into the oven (also pay attention to the handles and lid that must not have plastic parts) and never open it during cooking. The rice pilaf, cooked, can be kept in the refrigerator, covered, for 2-3 days.


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