Pan-fried cherry pie – Italian Cuisine

»Pan-fried cherry pie


First wash the cherries, dry them, ston them, put them in a bowl with the 2 spoons of sugar and peel and lemon juice and leave them aside.

In the meantime that the cherries are flavored, whip the eggs with the white sugar and brown sugar, then add the oil first and then the flour sifted with yeast.

Butter a pan (I used a 28 cm one, if you want a higher dessert you can use a 26 cm one and lengthen the cooking times a little) and put a little parchment paper on the bottom, then pour the mixture and distribute the cherries evenly.
Close with lid and, over low heat, cook for about 25-30 minutes.

Once the cooking time has elapsed (do the toothpick test: the cake should be almost completely cooked), with a little caution turn the cake (you can help yourself with a plate, a lid or a couple of spatulas) and cook also the second side for 5-6 minutes.

The pan-fried cherry pie is ready: let it cool completely, then decorate with icing sugar and serve.


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