lunch for a Sunday with the family – Italian Cuisine


With an explosive yet delicate flavour, these vegan cabbage rolls they look like vegetable bombettes stuffed with a filling capable of surprising even the most sceptical.
The preparation is simple and the ingredients used are genuine and dal strong flavour. On one side the cabbage leaves, guardians of a treasure waiting to be discovered, blanched and ready to be stuffed. On the other, the filling made of stale bread soaked in warm water, a classic sauté of garlic, oil and onion and 2 blocks of tofu with a smoky note, crumbled and made one with the rest of the protagonists of the dish thanks also to the presence of the White wineleft there to blend and give a sour and fragrant touch.
There chickpea flour and vegan cheese (or of animal origin) are added at the end, immediately after the salt and pepper and immediately before the entire mixture is blended to create a compact cream.
The oven does the rest: 20 minutes with a drizzle of oil for an effect crunchy outside and soft inside.

Light and easy to prepare, cabbage rolls they can be done in 30 minutes thus representing an original idea for a quick lunch or dinner.

Cut the cabbage leaves and wash them under running water before blanching them in salted water for about 4 minutes. Drain them and keep aside. Then soak the stale bread in warm water. Prepare the filling by frying garlic and onion with a drizzle of oil, add the crumbled tofu and sauté for a few minutes before blending with the white wine.
Squeeze the bread and add it to the pan with the filling, season with salt and pepper and blend with an immersion blender. Add the chickpea flour and vegan cheese and mix well.
Fill the cabbage leaves with an ice cream scoop and create the rolls: place them in the pan with a drizzle of oil and add more vegan cheese on the surface. Another drizzle of oil, salt and pepper and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.


A point of reference for vegan cuisine in Italy, it spreads the principles of plant-based nutrition making it accessible to everyone, with an elegant and sunny style. Positive vibes always and anyway!


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