Lactose-free Christmas menu – Italian Cuisine

Lactose-free Christmas menu


If at Christmas you have lactose intolerant guests, do not offer a separate menu, but think of an inclusive menu that is good for everyone

TO Christmas we must pamper all the guests of our table, especially those with intolerances. Instead of thinking of a "separate menu", propose dishes that are suitable for everyone. In this way you will save time and money and you will not make anyone feel in trouble.

Ideas for lactose-free appetizers

Let's start with the appetizers and also a little from the setting of the table since the bread wreath we want to offer you is a wonderful decoration and all to eat.
It is made without lactose because it is prepared with pizza dough and can be stuffed in many ways: grilled vegetables, cold cuts and possibly lactose-free cheeses.
You can also prepare single-portion omelettes, such as muffins, simply by beating the eggs with sautéed vegetables or sautéed mushrooms.
Finally, serve croutons with a pickle blended with tuna or spread with chickpea humus or guacamole.

Ideas for lactose-free Christmas first courses

For the first courses you will not find great difficulties: you can choose any type of dry pasta and also gnocchi, trofie tagliatelle, lasagna and cannelloni.
Prepare a classic meat sauce that everyone always likes, in a white version perhaps with the addition of mushrooms and pumpkin or with tomato sauce.
If you want to prepare stuffed pasta obviously don't use cheese, but simply mince ham, mortadella and minced veal, mix with an egg and season this stuffing with salt and pepper.

Ideas for lactose-free main courses

In central Italy at Christmas a mixture of fried foods is prepared with breaded lamb chops and battered vegetables. A second course that does not include lactose and that everyone likes. Think about it!
The only difficulty is that you cannot prepare it in advance because the frying must be done on the spot, so if you don't want to spend time in the kitchen while everyone else is at the table waiting for the second, opt for a vitello tonnato, always super. current and never predictable.
A roast with baked potatoes is a timeless classic as well as roast beef and all these proposals do not contain lactose.

Lactose-free dessert ideas

If there are lactose intolerant guests at the table, perhaps you should avoid pandoro and panettone, unless you get a suitable variant.
However, you can prepare a Christmas tart, obviously with oil shortcrust pastry.
Stuff it with the apples cooked in a pan with brown sugar and raisins and add walnuts, cinnamon and pine nuts. You can also make it covered, almost like a strudel.
Or prepare homemade nougat with melted chocolate and dried fruit. Put the mixture in plumcake or muffin molds and you will get really super greedy blocks of chocolate, also beautiful to give to guests.

Discover all the ideas by looking at our gallery!


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