how to make the Bavarian potato salad, the recipe – Italian Cuisine

Bavarian potato salad


Comes from Germany and generally accompanies meat dishes. It is simple but rich: try it for example with frankfurters or shin

You will certainly have tasted it in some typical restaurant or directly in Bavaria or in the Südtirol: it is about Kartoffelsalat, or theBavarian potato salad. It has nothing to do with the typical side dishes made with Italian potatoes, but it is equally good and particular. It is used in Germany to accompany meat dishes, such as i würstel or it shin.

You can prepare in advance and lasts for a couple of days if kept covered with the film in the refrigerator. But choose the potatoes well: they must be sodas after cooking and do not crush. Then opt for non-floury or too large tubers and boil them with the peel. Here's how to proceed.

The recipe for Bavarian potato salad

Bavarian potato salad


1 kilo of potatoes
300 ml of meat broth
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of wine vinegar
2 small onions
1 tablespoon of liquid cream
Salt and Pepper To Taste
dill or chives if you like


Boil the potatoes in salted boiling water with the peel, after having cleaned them well. Check the cooking with a fork so that it is not excessive. Drain and leave to cool.

Separately peel the onions and cut them into small cubes, heat the broth (if you do not have the possibility to prepare it in advance, use a meat cube) and place the onions. Let them cook until they soften. Then add all the other ingredients, such as vinegar, oil.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices and transfer them to a large bowl. Add the broth and the onions and the cream. Season with salt and pepper. Season to taste with thinly sliced ​​dill or chives. Mix everything. Let it rest for an hour, so that the broth is completely absorbed by the potatoes.

Serve the warm Bavarian potato salad.


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