Deep omelette: the infallible recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Deep omelette: the infallible recipe


You don’t know how to do one deep omelette, the kind that are beautiful to look at, and that you can eat with your eyes? Read here: in this article we will reveal many tricks to avoid making mistakes. But let’s start from the basics.

How to make an omelette

To make a deep omelette you need to use a lot of eggs. It seems like obvious advice, but it isn’t.
Alternatively, make an omelette in a very small pan.
Once the quantity of eggs has been established, considering that the portion per person for an omelette is 2 eggsdecide whether you want a normally soft omelette, but not too thick, or a compact and thick omelette.

Before we talk about the thickness of the omelette, you know how to make one perfect omelette?
The perfect omelette doesn’t need to be beaten a lot, the eggs simply need to be mixed with a pinch of salt and pepperlittle parmesan, if you want, and milk, optional. Simply use the fork, never the whisk. The result should not be a whipped egg, but simply mixed roughly.
Pour the mixture after adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil into a hot pan.

For a classic omelette wait for the base to solidify and after a few minutes turn to the other side using the lid.

To make one deep omeletteinstead, proceed as for the scrambled eggs. At the beginning, mix everything a little on the heat and gradually as the eggs take on consistency, let them compact again and then, once the right thickness has been created at the base, let them cook for a couple of minutes and then always turn with the help of a lid.
This procedure will give you a deep and well-cooked omelette, although you may have some problems flipping it, especially if the pan is large, because the eggs have been mixed. But we invite you to try because the result is excellent.

How to make a tall and compact omelette

Another solution to obtain a high omelette is the cooking in the oven, always with lots of eggs, or with a pan that is not too large. Cooking in the oven will make the omelette drier and taller and you won’t risk breaking it because it will not be necessary to turn it.
It cooks in approx 10 minutes at 180° and the thickness can be about 4-5cm.
You can also enrich it with ricotta for a result similar to a rich, very tasty pie that can be cut into cubes.

Omelette with vegetables

Another solution, if you love a deep omelette, is to enrich it with lots other ingredients, like vegetables for example. Cook a good amount of vegetables in a pan or in the oven and then mix them with the beaten eggs and sauté everything in the pan or in the oven.
You can try the omelette with onions, which has an intense and sweet taste at the same time and can also be enriched with cubes of bacon. Or an omelette with sautéed courgettes, flavored with aromatic herbs such as mint and basil.
If you love omelettes with potatoes, you can’t help but try the classic Spanish tortilla, which is nothing other than a deep omelette with potatoessliced ​​and previously fried.

Omelette with cheese and cold cuts

Another way to make the omelette nice and tasty is to enrich it with cheeses and cold cuts. We have already suggested the ricotta which makes the omelettes compact and tasty, but you can also use the semi-mature cheese which will partly melt during cooking and partly not, making the final result truly delicious.
As for cold cuts, you can include them in any omelette, because they go well with everything and add depth.
And how do you see an omelette with fish? Pairing tuna and onion absolutely worth trying in our opinion, as is the omelette with smoked salmon and the ricotta.

Recipes for making excellent omelettes


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