Clam stew with Roman-style artichokes – Italian Cuisine

Clam stew with Roman-style artichokes



Preparation of the Roman-style clam and artichoke stew

1) Clean i artichokes, dig them to remove the small thorns and turn them with a small knife keeping a piece of stem. Immerse them in water acidulated with lemon juice.

2) Stir mint, parsley is garlic. Drain the artichokes from the water and massage them with a little salt and distributed within the aromatic mix. Place them upside down in a high-walled pan that contains them and pour water is oil in the same quantity, reaching up to half the height of the artichokes. Cover the pan with plastic wrap making it adhere well.

3) Cook i artichokes for about 20 minutes from boiling, until they are tender but still crunchy; try cooking with the tip of a small knife.

4) Fry them in a large pan shallots chopped with the chili pepper (if you use it) and 3-4 tablespoons of oil. Join the clams when fried, stir and cover. As soon as the shells have opened wet with the wine, let it evaporate and add half of the parsley.

5) Arrange on each plate a toasted bread, place a artichoke and around the clams, wet with theirs sauce cooking mixed with a little of the artichoke sauce, sprinkle with the rest parsley and serve.


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