Christmas house of sandwiches – Italian Cuisine

»Christmas house of sandwiches


First of all overlap 4 slices of bread and cut out a small rectangle in the center, as you can see in the photo: it will be the entrance to your cottage (keep the cut piece aside).
Spread the first slice with mayonnaise, stuff with salami, add a second slice of bread, season with mayonnaise and ham and repeat with the other 2 slices.
Take a fifth slice of bread, cut 1 cm to the right and 1 cm to the left (keep these two strips as well) and overlap it, in the center of the last cut slice, in order to start building the attic.
Also add here (on the cut slice) a layer of mayonnaise and salami.
Take a sixth slice and cut it in half, then overlap the previous one, stuffed with mayonnaise and ham, add the second half, stuffed with mayonnaise and salami.
On top of everything, place the two 1 cm strips cut from the fifth slice.

Spread the edges of the roof structure with mayonnaise and place 2 slices of bread on top, one on each side, to create the sloping roof, also combining them with the mayonnaise.
Take back also the pieces of bread cut to create the entrance: with 1 piece you create the door; take the other 3 pieces, cut off a part diagonally and attach them with the mayonnaise both between them and to one of the slopes, so as to form the chimney.

The Christmas house of sandwiches is ready: decorate to taste with rocket and pink pepper and serve.


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