Christmas Cheesecake – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Christmas Cheesecake - Recipe by Misya


First, blend the crackers quite finely, then add them to the previously melted butter (in a bain-marie or in the microwave), mixing well.

Place the mixture in the mold lined with baking paper and flatten well with your hands or with the back of a spoon, creating an even layer on the bottom and even a little on the edge.
Leave in the fridge to rest for at least 20 minutes (or at least 10 minutes in the freezer).

In the meantime, blend the rocket (already cleaned and washed, but not too wet).
Add the cheeses (ricotta, robiola and parmesan), season to taste with salt and pepper and blend again until you obtain a smooth cream.
Take the cracker shell and fill it with the filling, leveling the surface well, then leave it to rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

Meanwhile, clean the Roman cabbage, divide it into florets and blanch it for 10-12 minutes in lightly salted boiling water, then drain and leave to cool.

Take the cheesecake again, gently remove it from the mold to pass it onto a serving plate and arrange your cauliflower trees on top, accompanied by the olives.

The Christmas cheesecake is ready, all you have to do is garnish it with pink pepper and serve it.


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