Chocolate cake with oil and rosemary – Italian Cuisine

Chocolate cake with oil and rosemary


1) In a bowl, jumbled up the two types of flour, yeast, rosemary and salt. In a second bowl, slam the eggs, add the sugar e you work the mixture with the whisk until the sugar has dissolved completely.

2) Add to the beaten eggs the mixture of flour and oil (one spoon at a time and alternating them) e jumbled up continuously until the dough becomes smooth; then add the rice milk and, lastly, the coarsely chopped chocolate with a knife.

3) Grease a 15×30 cm plum cake mold with oil, line it with baking paper and pour the mixture. Bake at 180 ° for about 1 hour. Check it out cooking by inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake, which must come out dry. Turn out and let cool on a wire rack. Serve the cake cut into thick slices.


Published 01/17/2022



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