Carpegna Ham: let yourself be tempted – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


It’s P’s turnrosciutto of Carpegna. There is no country in the world with so much richness and variety of productsnatural as the territory gives them or worked by expert hands in simple ways, which are ancient and at the same time the most contemporary. Continues voyage to discover our goodnessfrom the best known to the lesser known ones far from the production area. The historian Carpegna ham it is so delicate that the Count of Urbino wanted it all for himself.

Carpegna ham

Almost unbelievable: theItaly boasts 31 varieties of raw ham of which 11 are protected by trademarks PGI or PDO. Each one different from the other, starting from the story. The tradition of the one in the Marche region of Carpegna dates back to the beginning of the 15th century when – in 1407 – the gluttonous Guidantonio da Montefeltro, Count of Urbino, forbade the sale of “pork and salted meat” elsewhere, fearing he would be deprived of them. At the time, in the farmhouses of the current Sasso Simone and Simoncello Park, there was a north-facing room reserved for meat processing. From that world and at that time – it is documented history – the first ones left butcher artisans who then moved to Tuscany and Umbria And Lazio they also taught others how to make ham. Today they are produced 120 thousand per year with the Dop Carpegna brand, replicating ancient and original gestures such as the “choke” tying of the upper part of the stem and the protection of the surface not covered by the rind with a stucco whose mix of spices is as secret as it is essential to give a delicate and sweet flavour, albeit emphasized with aromatic notes. The “pointing” afterwards has always been the same since ancient times 400 days of processing, when a rigorous test is carried out in five precise points with a horse bone needle, which is very porous so as to retain the aromas. Only the promoted hams begin the journey to conquer the markets.

Identity card of Carpegna Ham

ORIGIN – Guaranteed by DOP brand, it is produced only in the municipality of Carpegna (PU), with pigs coming from Marche, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.

CHARACTERISTICSSeasoning and salting last no less than 13 months; drying takes place at a temperature slightly higher than average. It weighs no less than 8 kilos, has a rounded shape, soft consistency. The color changes from amber red to salmon pink depending on the maturation. Ideal on its own but, due to its delicate flavor, it is also suitable as an ingredient.

STORAGE – Boneless is kept at 7-10°C; with the bone at 15-20 °C. The slice must be rigorously cut with a knife to a thickness of 1 millimetre, maintaining the right percentage of fat.

PRICE – In large-scale retail trade, the whole ham on the bone costs around 16-17 euros per kilo.


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