Buckwheat biscuits with dulce de leche – Italian Cuisine

Buckwheat biscuits with dulce de leche


Buckwheat biscuits with dulce de leche, preparation

1) Prepare cookies. Warm up the oven at 175 °. Chop the chocolate dark And let it melt in a bain-marie with the chopped butter. Beat eggs with sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt (without whipping them); incorporated the mixture of chocolate and melted butter and finally add also the two types of flour stirring good for mixing.

2) Distribute the mixture on two plates coated with parchment paper, forming piles of about 5 cm in diameter, well spaced from each other. Sprinkle them with a few flakes of salt and bake for about 10 minutes.

3) Remove from the oven the brownies e let them cool. With a sharp knife cut each biscuit in half, meaning horizontal, spread the base with a little dulche de leche e put it back together. Whiskey wedges with coffee cream


Posted on 10/22/2021



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