Bergamot and orange cake – Italian Cuisine

Bergamot and orange cake


They are those of Citrus, which markets fresh, Italian and seasonal fruit and vegetables and lends a hand to scientific research

Enhancing seasonality and Italian character, rediscovering the taste of forgotten varieties. These are the goals of Citrus, a company founded in Cesena in 2015 from an idea of ​​Paola Pappalardo and Marianna Palella, mother and daughter, to market fresh fruit and vegetables through large-scale distribution channels. The proposed products are of premium quality, come from fethical iliere and controlled, are grown with respect for the environment and workers and packaged in sustainable packaging.

A slice of happiness

Among the most particular citrus fruits, there is the bergamot, a star of the winter months, intensely scented and originally from southern Calabria, where it is nicknamed "green gold". Rich in flavonoids, which work on cholesterol regulation and as anticancer potentials, bergamot, like all the other products of the brand, is not treated after harvest, so that it can also be eaten with the peel, which is also rich in beneficial properties .
Among the varieties of oranges sold by Citrus, there are the Sanguinella, a Sicilian variety, red and late, juicy, with few seeds and low acidity, which due to its chromatic and organoleptic characteristics is ideal for the preparation of cakes; always from Sicily the Tarot: seedless and with a thin skin, they are ideal for eating; the blondes Navel they are the richest in juice and, given also the low acidity, they are perfect for juices.

Allies for health

No less are the Citrus legumes, precious protagonists of the Mediterranean diet.
The red lentils shelled are a mine of iron, which the body is able to absorb even more effectively if they are seasoned with lemon.
THE chickpeas and i borlotti beans they are an important source of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, with a reduced calorie intake; rich in fiber, like all legumes, they also help keep blood sugar and cholesterol under control.
All the products of the Citrus supply chain support the scientific research of Umberto Veronesi FoundationIn five years of activity, Citrus has funded the annual work of 34 doctors and researchers.

Bergamot and orange cake

Ingredients for 6-8 people

250 g ricotta
200 g flour 00
125 g plain yogurt
120 g honey
100 g of flaxseed oil
50 g corn starch
50 g light brown sugar
20 g powdered sugar
3 eggs
2 bergamots
2 oranges
½ sachet baking powder for cakes


Whip the eggs with the brown sugar and a pinch of salt, until you get a frothy mixture.
Add the grated zest of ½ bergamot and ½ orange, continuing to whip; then add, first 100 g of honey and then the yogurt, always whipping the mixture; finally, also add 1/3 of the oil, pouring it slowly.
Mix the flour with the corn starch and yeast; sift the mixture, adding it a little at a time in the mixer and alternating it with the remaining oil, poured slowly; keep mixing.
Transfer the mixture into a round mold (18 cm diameter), oiled and floured, and bake at 170 ° C for 45 minutes.
Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool and turn it out.
Garnish the cake with a sprinkling of icing sugar and the grated zest of ½ bergamot and ½ orange. Complete with 1 bergamot and 1 orange cut into slices.
Squeeze all the citrus fruits used.
Prepare a cream by mixing the ricotta with 20 g of honey with a whisk.
Serve the cake, accompanying it with the ricotta cream and citrus juice.


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