Baked potatoes in their skins – Italian Cuisine

Baked potatoes in their skins


They are tasty, classic and inexpensive, perfect for any occasion: the baked potatoes in their skins they are delicious, rustic and very sweet, ideal to accompany meat and fish main courses. Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, the beauty of these potatoes is that you can eat them with your hands one after the other, but be careful! They are like cherries, you can never stop!

The potatoes they are perhaps the most common and consumed tuber in the world! It is a versatile vegetable in the kitchen that you can cook in many different ways: boiled, the pan, fried or baked. They are the fundamental ingredient for making gnocchi; you can taste them with pasta or turn them into a rustic vegetable meatloaf; you can cut them into wedges, diced, matchsticks or reduce them to a puree for a side dish of vegetables always appreciated by all adults and children! And, if the potatoes I'm short stories, you can cook them whole without even the hassle of having to peel them!

If you are looking for an easy to prepare side dish, try the Salt & Pepper recipe of the baked potatoes in their skins! They are prepared in a few simple steps and with very few ingredients: just season them, put them in the oven and wait for them to become golden and crunchy! What are you waiting for?

Preparation of baked potatoes with peel

1) First, wash your hair well new potatoes, remove the traces of earth by rubbing them with a brush, dry them and place them in one baking tin in a single layer. Ungile with a drizzle of oil, the right one to give flavor. Complete the seasoning with a pinch of salt, pepper, a sprig of rosemary and, if you like, add a few cloves of unpeeled garlic.

2) Transfer the potatoes in oven to 180 ° and cook for about 60 minutes. Serve the baked potatoes in their skins very hot.


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