Anise: how to use it in sweet and savory recipes – Italian Cuisine


Anise is an ancient spice, used for a very long time in the kitchen and which lends itself to use in many sweet and savory recipes. Let's find out how to use it correctly

Anise is one of the spices older and used in the kitchen. It was already used in antiquity by the Egyptians and Romans for aromatize dishes and drinks thanks to his digestive qualities and regenerating. His taste it tends to be sweet, with an aroma reminiscent of fennel and mint.

The anise it is a very versatile spice that manages to flavor sweet and savory dishes, accompany vegetables and cheeses and to prepare herbal teas, an exquisite one liquor – used very often as a digestive – also simple to make at home and even gods ice creams.

In kitchen, as mentioned, it lends itself to various uses. If in ancient times it was used above all to spice the meat (especially chicken, pork and rabbit), now in use of this aromatic spice it really knows no bounds.

how to use anise in the kitchen sweet and savory recipes preparations ideas Italian cuisine

How to use anise in savory recipes

The main use of anise in savory recipes is to flavor the bread and i Biscuits homemade and give its very special and spicy taste to the meat, especially that of beef and pork and the White meat.

It can also be used – as often happens in the cuisine of the countries of northern Europe – to give its particular flavor next to soft cheeses and to prepare vegetable side dishes such as onions.

Anise is perfect to accompany typical winter soups, for a soup delicate and enveloping, the broth and for one farinata of chickpeas only. Anise in first courses? Even in starred recipes, like this one risotto with black cabbage.

Those who love savory biscuits can try it in the typical recipe of the salty biscuits from Roccalbegna, simply delicious.

How to use anise in sweet recipes

Anise is the ideal spice for also flavor dessert recipes.
Cakes, Biscuits, gingerbreads, pandolci, dried fruit, Croissant: its uses in the kitchen are practically endless!
There are the traditional sweets – like those of Christmas And Easter – and regional sweets, such as the famous ones Ferratelle from Abruzzo.

It can also be used to flavor fruit , for example for a fruit salad delicious or pears with Muscat.

This precious spice it is also used in the preparation of ice creams, especially icicles.

Other recipes with anise


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