all the ways to cook them at home – Italian Cuisine

all the ways to cook them at home


Loved by adults and children, the chestnuts I’m typical autumn fruit to cook at home too, in many different ways. Some prefer them read, some baked. Some cook them in a pan, some in the microwave and some on the barbecue.

Warm cuddle autumnal to be enjoyed in front of the fireplace during the cold evenings typical of this time of year, roasted chestnuts are full of beneficial properties, they contain mineral salts and fiber to the point of being considered a highly energetic food.

Depending on the method with which they are cooked, the result can be a soft bite, almost creamy on the palate, as well as more floury but never intrusive. What makes the difference, however, is not only the cooking method, but also the container and the amount of heat in contact with the chestnuts.

The smokier flavour it will be given by cooking on the grill or on the fireplace, with the classic chestnut cooking pan; the sweetest one from boiling in hot water.

Warm and enveloping, roasted chestnuts can be prepared in many different ways.
Here are the most common and fast that you can also replicate at home.


Cut the chestnuts by cutting only the peel, transfer to a perforated pan and leave to cook on a low heat, stirring frequently for 10-15 minutes. Then wrap them in a cloth for 5 minutes, this way they will have the right humidity and they will peel in an instant.


Rinse the chestnuts, boil for 35-40 minutes, then dry and eat by cutting them in half.


Blanch for 5 minutes (or leave to soak for 15 minutes), cut the peel from one end to the other without touching the fruit and leave to cook in the air fryer for 15 minutes at 200°C. When you open the basket they will have already opened.


Leave to soak for 30 minutes. Cut the peel without touching the fruit and bake in the microwave for 5 minutes. at 800w


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