4 easy recipes to feel full – Italian Cuisine


How can you feel full and satisfied without ingesting excess calories? We have come up with 4 really easy recipes for you, even very quick ones, under 200 calories

How to go about feel full without overdoing it? Doctor explains it to us Giorgio Donegani, food technologist and expert in nutrition and food education: “It's called hypothalamus and it is the center that, in our brain, regulates the mechanism of hunger and satiety. It would be enough to listen to his signals to keep us in shape easily, but how to listen to him in the face of goodies? It is therefore advisable to stop the inevitable excesses by focusing on the so-called "low calorie" foods, which make you feel full with few calories. Fiber and protein are the winning mix: whole grains, fruit, vegetables, with a fair share of meat, preferably white, fish and shellfish… ".

So how can we fix it in the kitchen? To neutralize the calorie surplus of lunches and dinners without going hungry, the chef and nutritionist have studied these clever mixes for you.

Frost of Orange, Green Apple and Dates / 195 calories per serving

300 g blood orange juice
50 g sugar
10 g gelatin in sheets
16 pitted dates
2 green apples
orange zest

Bring 50 g of water to a boil with the sugar; turn off, add the soaked and squeezed gelatin and let it melt.
Pour it into the orange juice and put the mixture to cool in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Break the jelly with a spoon and place it in glasses, alternating it with the chopped apples and dates.
Complete with sliced ​​orange peel.

Brown rice and mixed salad / 200 calories per serving

160 g chicken breast
100 g brown rice
50 g baby spinach
50 g curly salad
shelled pistachios
lemon – apple
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

Put the rice in a saucepan with 250 g of water, a chopped shallot, a tablespoon of chopped pistachios, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil. Cook it for 35 'from the boil, then let it rest for 10' covered. Finally, season it with a little lemon juice and pepper. Cook the diced chicken breast in a pan with a thin layer of oil for 4-5 '; salty.
Arrange the glasses by alternating the salad, spinach, chicken and rice.
Decorate with a star cut out of an apple slice.

Semolina, turnip greens and octopus cream / 200 calories per serving

200 g milk
200 g boiled turnip greens
150 g boiled octopus
100 g semolina
2 anchovy fillets
1 shallot
red onion – chilli – salt
dill – bay leaf – extra virgin olive oil

Dilute the anchovy fillets in a pan with 4 teaspoons of oil, add the chopped shallot and chilli to taste.
Add the boiled turnip greens, wet with a ladle of water and let them flavor.
Also add the chopped octopus and stew for 5-6 '.
Bring the milk to the boil with 250 g of water and a bay leaf.
When it boils, remove the bay leaves, add a drizzle of oil and sprinkle with semolina.
Add salt and cook, stirring for 5 '.
Let it cool down.
Alternate balls of semolina, octopus and turnip greens in the glasses, filling with a little cooking sauce.
Complete with onion rings purged in water and dill.

Kale and Fennel Salad with Pear / 95 calories per serving

150 g fennel
130 g purple cabbage
100 g heart of cabbage
100 g cauliflower in small tufts
70 g celery
1 pear – lemon – sugar – vinegar
extra virgin olive oil – salt – pepper

Thinly slice the fennel and celery and soak them in cold water.
Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and let it drain for 1 hour.
Squeeze it and season with a drizzle of vinegar.
Season the cauliflowers with salt and lemon and the thinly sliced ​​cabbage with oil and pepper.
Melt a spoonful of sugar, with a pinch of salt, in a pan; when it begins to darken, add the pear cut into 8, with the peel, and roast it for 1 'per side.
Compose the glasses alternating all the ingredients.


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