Watermelon Agua Fresca – It’s Like Water, But Fresher!

“Agua Fresca” translates to “Fresh Water,” which is kind of
funny, since it’s made mostly from fresh fruit. Sometimes I do extensive
research into why something has a certain name, but this time, because it’s too nice to stay inside surfing on a computer, I’m just going
to speculate.

I’m guessing that back in the day before modern plumbing and
refrigeration, water may not have always been the best tasting beverage around.
Drinking wine and beer all day is a fantastic alternative, but not necessarily when
you have things to do, and empires to build.

So, they took some stale, tepid water, and freshened it up
with some nice cold, sweet fruit. You have to admit, that sounds pretty plausible. Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to
it. The bottom line is, there’s really nothing quite as restorative and
refreshing on a sweltering summer day. I hope you give this delicious agua fresca a try soon. Enjoy!

To make 2 quarts Watermelon Agua Fresca:
5-6 cups freshly scooped watermelon
2 cups cold water
enough simple sugar syrup to sweeten to taste (recipe as

Simple Syrup:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
(you can make any amount by simply using a 1 to 1 ratio, and
heating until the sugar dissolves)

This recipe has already been read 441 times!

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