Top cake recipes for May

There’s no time of the year when we don’t fancy a bit of cake! May baking is all about fresh fruits and fun summery twists – well the summer’s almost here, right?

We’ve rounded up the most popular cake recipes to make this month – as chosen by you. Click through the 20 top cake recipes on goodtoknow.

Seasonal berries and citrus flavours like lemon, lime and orange give sponges a lovely fresh twist, while cupcake designs and decorations are a great way to have a little fun this May.

So what cake recipe will you be trying? We have 20 delicious ideas for you to choose from. Fancy something chocolaty? Our Maltesers chocolate cake is always a winner! More in a fruity mood? Our cherry and marzipan cake is an all-round crowd-pleaser.

Save all your favourite cake recipes in one place by starting your own online recipe book.

This recipe has already been read 637 times!

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