Searching for Answers!

Did birds that ate this bread have anything
to do with the problem? Of course not,
but I didn’t have any related photos.

I’ve received a number of emails regarding problems with the
search engine in the sidebar. All of a sudden it’s not returning all the correct
results. I have no idea why, so I thought I’d see if any of your more
technologically inclined readers may have a clue.

The search box is just the basic Google widget that comes
standard with the Blogger template layout I’m using. I can’t switch over to WordPress
or other platforms right now, so if that’s your suggestion, thanks, but we’re looking
for solutions with the current layout.

By the way, the search box at the top left of the window in
the black strip does work, but returns entire blog posts instead of detailed search
results. If you have any ideas on a fix or replacement widget or code, please
pass them along! Thanks!

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