Roasted Leg of Lamb with Pomegranate, Garlic & Herbs – Happy Easter Indeed

I’ve done more than a few lamb dishes dedicated to Easter, but inexplicably have never posted one for a whole leg of lamb. It’s such a classic Easter menu option, and when prepared using this method, makes for a very user-friendly hunk of meat. 

The key here is removing the bone, and replacing it an extremely flavorful wet rub. You have two options here; the easy way, or the fun way. You can go to a butcher and buy a ready-to-roast, boned and butterflied leg of lamb. They’re not cheap, but they’ll happily butterfly, trim, and tie it to your specifications. Or, you could watch the next video I’ll post on Friday, and see how easy it is to remove yourself.

Either way, once the bone is out, you’re free to season in any one of a thousand different ways. I highly recommend this particular combination, as the pomegranate molasses does magical things. If you can’t find it near you, go online and get some, or follow this link and make your own using pomegranate juice. You’ll be so glad you did.

If you plan on doing a leg of lamb for Easter, I hope you give this fabulous recipe a try, and also check out the next video, so you can butcher the leg yourself. You’ll save a few bucks, and that means more chocolate bunnies. Stay tuned, and as always, enjoy!

Ingredients for 1 leg of lamb (about 8 portions)
1 leg of lamb (without the shank), boned, and butterflied
For the wet rub:
1/4 cup pomegranate molasses
4 cloves coarsely minced garlic
1 tbsp fresh chopped rosemary
1 tsp Aleppo pepper, or other red pepper flakes to taste
2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried mint

*Marinate lamb overnight, and roast at 350F. for about 1 3/4 hours, or until the internal temperature of 135-140F. is reached, for medium-rare to medium.

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