Raspberry Coconut Pom Smoothie

Raspberry Coconut Pom Smoothie

by Pam on April 30, 2014

It’s feeling like summer here in Portland. Today it was sunny and nearly 90 degrees! My kids were hot and tired when I picked them up from school so I decided to treat them to a tasty smoothie. I used some fresh raspberries, Greek coconut yogurt, Pom/Coconut juice and ice. They were a touch tart so I added a little bit of agave which made them perfect! These drinks were a refreshing, delicious, and healthy after school snack.

Combine the fresh raspberries, Greek coconut yogurt, Pom/Coconut juice and ice together in a blender. Blend until smooth. Taste & add a touch of agave (or honey), if needed. Serve immediately. Enjoy.



Raspberry Coconut Pom Smoothie

Yield: 2

Total Time: 5 min.


6 oz fresh raspberries
2 (5.3 oz) Greek coconut yogurt
12 oz Pom/Coconut juice
2 cups of ice cubes
Agave or honey, to taste


Combine the fresh raspberries, Greek coconut yogurt, Pom/Coconut juice and ice together in a blender. Blend until smooth. Taste & add a touch of agave (or honey), if needed. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking.net


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