Tag: Blend

Tropical Smoothie

Tropical Smoothie

by Pam on June 19, 2013

My kids spent the afternoon practicing tricks on their scooters at the local skate park today. They were hot and exhausted when we got home so I whipped up these tropical smoothies for them. Needless to say, they were a huge hit and I am sure they will be requesting these smoothies again tomorrow.

Combine the papaya, mango, bananas, orange juice, milk, yogurt, and ice  cubes together in a blender. Blend until well mixed. Taste then add a bit of agave or honey if it needs to be sweetened. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Working hard at mastering their skills



Tropical Smoothie

Yield: 2

Total Time: 5 min.


1 cup of papaya, chopped
1 mango, chopped
2 ripe bananas, mashed
Juice of 1 orange
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of coconut yogurt (vanilla would be fine too)
1/2 cup of ice cubes
Agave or honey, to taste (if needed)


Combine the papaya, mango, bananas, orange juice, milk, yogurt, and ice cubes together in a blender. Blend until well mixed. Taste then add a bit of agave or honey if it needs to be sweetened. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking


  1. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

Basil-Garlic Rubbed Pork Chops

Basil-Garlic Rubbed Pork Chops

by Pam on August 20, 2014

I saw this recipe on the Food Network and decided to give it a try. I blended together the marinade then let the chops sit in it for about an hour before cooking them in my grill pan. They tasted fantastic! I loved the garlic/basil/lemon flavor of these moist and tender chops and so did the rest of my family. I served them with Creamy Mashed Potatoes and Roasted Grape Tomatoes with Fresh Basil and Balsamic Vinegar and  they paired beautifully together. [1][2][3]

Blend together the basil, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil until smooth. Place the pork chops into a baking dish then smother with marinade then toss to coat evenly. Place into the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.  Remove the pork 15 minutes prior to grilling. Season both sides of the pork with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste.

Heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the pork and cook for 5-6 minutes then flip and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes or until pork is cooked through and reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees. Remove from the grill pan and let sit for 5 minutes prior to serving. Enjoy.




Basil-Garlic Rubbed Pork Chops

Yield: 4

Prep Time: Marinate 30-60 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes


3 thin pork chops, bone in
1 cup of fresh basil leaves
3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste


Blend together the basil, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil until smooth. Place the pork chops into a baking dish then smother with marinade then toss to coat evenly. Place into the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. Remove the pork 15 minutes prior to grilling. Season both sides of the pork with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste.

Heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the pork and cook for 5-6 minutes then flip and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes or until pork is cooked through and reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees. Remove from the grill pan and let sit for 5 minutes prior to serving. Enjoy.

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking
Original recipe by Food Network


  1. ^ Food Network (www.foodnetwork.com)
  2. ^ Creamy Mashed Potatoes (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  3. ^ Roasted Grape Tomatoes with Fresh Basil and Balsamic Vinegar (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  4. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  5. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

Curried parsnip and pear soup

Goodtoknow TV

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This curried parsnip and pear soup is an ideal recipe for a seasonal winter starter or lunch. Sweat and savoury ingredients combine deliciously as sugary pears meet earthy parsnips meet spicy curry powder. Opt for small parsnips over larger ones as they’re less likely to have a fibrous core and don’t require peeling. Go the extra mile by making your own curry powder by using a food processor to blend 1 tablespoon of each yellow mustard seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, turmeric powder and chilli powder. Put this soup in a thermos for an effective antidote to chilly weather walks.

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Cooking time: 30 mins

  • Total time: 40 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

Substitute milk with coconut milk for an extra Indian taste.


  • 50g butter
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • 600g parsnips (about 6), roughly chopped
  • 3 pears, quartered
  • 500ml milk
  • 800ml vegetable stock
  • 3 tbsp double cream

To serve

  • Knob butter
  • 1 pear, sliced
  • Small bunch of basil leaves


  1. Heat the butter in a large pan and add the onion and curry powder. Gently sauté for 5 minutes, or until the onion softens.
  2. Put the parsnips and pears in the pan and stir so that they become well coated in the curry butter. Pour in the milk and stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Check that the parsnips are tender before removing from the heat. Blend using a food processor or hand blender, then stir through the cream and season to taste.
  4. To serve: melt the butter in a frying pan and carefully add the pear slices. Allow the pear to fry for 1 minutes then use tongs to flip it and allow the other side to cook for a further minute.
  5. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with pear slices and basil leaves.

By Amanda Nicolas

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Delia Smith is no longer the face of Waitrose but Heston Blumenthal will stay – whose food would you rather eat?

  • Delia Smith’s classic meals 77%
  • Heston Blumenthal’s crazy inventions 10%
  • Neither 13%

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