Our 10 best sandwich cake recipes

Why just have one cake when you can have two sandwiched together? Sandwich cakes are an easy cake recipe to start baking with – and they’re a perfect way to give your sponge extra flavour.

Bake two (or three, or four) sponges of your favourite cake and sandwich them together to create a baking masterpiece.

Cooking thiner, separate layers rather than a whole, hearty cake also ensures that your sponges cook quicker and more evenly, which is why sandwich cakes are perfect for first-time bakers or if you’re trying a new oven you’re not familiar with.

The filling is the fun part! You can sandwich your cakes together with jam, buttercream, fruit or even chocolate – the choice is yours! You can give your cake any flavour you wish by using a inventive filling or combination of ingredients.

Make your cake the tastiest yet by trying one of our easy and delicious sandwich cake recipes – which one of these 10 beauties will you be trying?

Top tips for sandwich cakes:

  • Make sure the sponges are made using the same size tin and have an equal share of the mixture.
  • Allow sponges to cool before assembling.
  • If the sponges have raised slightly, slice the top off one of the sponges to create an even base for the filling and top layer.
  • Make sure your filling is not too runny as the sponges will slide.

This recipe has already been read 541 times!

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