Tag: sandwich

Monte Cristo Sandwich – 's Monte Cristo Sandwich Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Monte Cristo Sandwich - Misya's Monte Cristo Sandwich Recipe


First spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on all 3 slices of bread, then start preparing: place half of the cheese on the first slice, cover with the ham and then with the second slice, then cover with the second slice and repeat.

Close with the last slice, compact a little, then brush all surfaces, even the side ones, with the egg (after having beaten it with salt, pepper, paprika and milk).

Melt the butter in a non-stick pan, then start cooking, browning the sandwich on all sides (2-4 minutes per side will be enough).

The Monte Cristo Sandwich is ready: divide it into 2 triangles and serve immediately, perhaps accompanied with a little blueberry sauce to give it an edge.


Sammer sandwich – Italian Cuisine

Sammer sandwich


A delicious gourmet sandwich that contains tasty grilled vegetables, spicy gorgonzola, caramelized onions and basil for a unique taste.

The post Panino Sammer appeared first on Sale & Pepe.


Turkey Sandwich – 's Turkey Sandwich Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Turkey Sandwich - Misya's Turkey Sandwich Recipe


As I told you yesterday, here's the fantastic turkey sandwich, also better known as Thanksgiving sandwich, so common is the custom of preparing it with leftovers from Thanksgiving Day. This year, having also prepared roast turkey and cranberry sauce, I decided to complete the tour with this fantastic sandwich. I'll tell you more: I took the recipe directly from the cookbook of Friends (the only change I made: I didn't put the cornbread filling, because we can't find it here, but if you have American markets near your home, take it and add it to the first slice of bread along with the turkey), the fantastic sitcom of 1990s-2000s. This is what Ross says is the best turkey sandwich, the moist maker sandwich Monica's (whom Ross calls the incomparable, thanks to the middle layer of bread soaked in gravy sauce), and I must say that it is really fantastic !!

Put mayonnaise, lettuce and turkey bits on the first slice; pass to the second slice of bread and pass it in the gravy sauce.

Place the second slice on the filling of the first and stuff with the salad and turkey, add the cranberry sauce and close with the last slice of bread.

The turkey sandwich is ready: close it with a toothpick, so as to keep the layers in place, and enjoy!


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